Monday, February 16, 2009

Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite corpse is a collaborative poetry game. To write a poem writers agree on a sentence form before beginning. For example adjective, noun, adverb, verb, adjective, noun. Tenses and articles are added later. The only real rule is each writer is unaware of the previous words. So as the words are written the paper is folded and passed to the next writer. Hilarious and beautiful poems can result. Here are some results from the Valemtines Party:

The pretty lady slowly fished out a salty swimmer.

I was quickly blue in this city till I danced with a moody basketball.

The boy quickly jerked the disgusting puppy.

The beautiful flower quickly hunted shiny Mr. Taylor.

The smooth chainsaw slowly staggered towards the tall bear.

The flaming sky felt sassy, not grumpy, as it begin to run ooze.

Gentle moment of purple sky, the snotty nosed skier climbed upwards.

The sleazy Banana Slug slowly ran and kissed the sassy rat.

The bad Baboon stinking, jumped on the supper table.

The little bicycle slowly went smiling home.

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