Tuesday, May 13, 2008

RFTW Day 5 and 6

We got to Rancho Cucamonga a day early so Monday we relaxed and did laundry. The weather was a cool 60 and misty and drizzling on and off all day. Tuesday the Santa Anna winds kicked in. It was a warm 80 with strong winds, the flags were snapping in the 40-50 mph winds. Gas here is $4.13/gal for premium and diesel was $4.59. I have been trying to find postcards since Sunday and have yet find them. Anybody want to start a business??? Maybe they don't get many tourists here. It is beautiful here, many plants are in bloom and lawns are green. One thing I noticed was signage. There are no big billboards or signs on the road for McDonalds or Target or Walmart or any businesses. It is difficult when you do not know your way around and are trying to find a business. I am used to MN where you can see the signs blocks away and get in the correct lane to make your turn. Here you are driving 50 mph and trying to find your store and then go by it and have to turn around and go back. One important piece of business we completed Monday night was giving people their road names, it's a biker thing. Al, who is the guy who organized our group from MN is known as "SubRat" because he was a submariner in the Navy. Jim I became "Chatter" because he is always telling stories. Tim is "Wood Butcher" because he was a carpenter in the SeaBees. Bob is Oscar and I can't remember why now. Jim II is known as "Wheezer" because he has emphsyma. Curt is called "Reuben" and I can't remember why. I confused everybody because my license plate reads "CYCHO" because I am crazy about motorcycles. My official road name is of course "DJtheDJ".

We had a blessing of the bikes and riders tonight and a meal was provided for us. We had a couple of speakers, one of whom was John Bacca. John was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in Vietnam. He gave a very short speech and he said Thank you, love one another and watch out for each other. Guess that says it all.

Tomorrow we begin our mission and that mission is to remember those who were/are POW's and MIA's and to Never Forget the sacrifices that so few made for so many. We ask for a full account of all POW's and MIA's and to never leave them behind. The remains of Matt Maupin who was MIA in Irag for the last three years were just returned to his family last month. The second part of this mission is to heal those who are wounded..........PTSD...........not all wounds are visible. There are some young faces on the ride this year. Iraq and Afghanistan has created a new generation of veterans. One Vietnam veteran riding with us lost a son in Iraq last year.

Pray for all our sons and daughters in harms way around the world. Plato said, "Only the dead have seen the end of war."

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