Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Hunting Shack

Lions and tigers and bears there are girlz at the hunting shack. Not just any girlz, but my girlz. They love it at the shack and pitch into help and don't whine about the out house. They love to sauna and haul water and kindling and wood to make it happen. Breakfast is always Chef Charlie's Panokauken with maple syrup and one time blueberries with whipped cream, yes real whipped cream. No one starves at our shack. Friday night of opening deer is a turkey, mashed potatos, squash and dressing with pumpkin pie for dessert. Can't wait. Girlz at the shack? I brought it up a couple of years ago and the answer was no wimin! I think they will get to hunt cuz they aren't girly girls at the shack and they help. They are in favor of gun control because you can get tight groups with proper gun control.

A weekend project recently was putting a deck on the sauna. What'd ya think? Time to have an adult beverage and enjoy the view.

Take the poll in the upper right corner should girlz be allowed at the shack?

1 comment:

Woody said...

DJ, ran across your blog while searching for some info on a buddy who just moved back to MN - I just thought I'd take the time to drop a comment and tell you "great blog".

Ride safe